Pop Art Puffy Paint Cake!!
Wayne Theiabaud

Pop Artist Wayne Thieabaud was our artist for inspiration for this project and it was sooo fun!! Who wouldn't love decorating cake!
Oil Pastels/ Crayons
Construction paper cut into 3 sizes to built the structure for our cakes
Shaving Cream
Tempera Paint
Decorations supplies:
Puff Balls, glitter, tissue paper scraps, buttons, foam stickers ( I just used whatever I already had).
1.) glue three construction paper rectangles to create a three teir cake. Then we began decorating. Some kids wanted to draw some decorations with crayons and some wanted to get right to "frosting"
2.) To make the frosting for our cakes I mixed together shaving cream glue and tempera paint in a little dish and gave the kids a spoon to apply.- We had chocolate and strawberry:) And the kids went to town frosting their cakes!
3.) Next was adding all the decorations which we just stuck down into the wet frosting or used a little glue if it had already began to dry.
* This project was so much fun and perfect to celebrate the last day of Art Camp!!
One of my favorite Pop Artists, great choice for inspiration, I am making a Sculpture in Grantham in September with year 6 kids, theme is Parks, doing some hard thinking about how it is going to come together!!